Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Akuma to Love Song - 37

Here's 37, nothing much to write here as I'm working on the Umisho chapters at the moment. Links below:


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Umisho - 90,91,92

Alright, finally got this done and a bit ahead of my last ETA. Sorry, but there was a lot to typeset and I got too into playing Muv-Luv. Also it came to my attention a while ago that Otogi Machi no Rena has a group doing it again, so you may want to check it out since it's made by Umisho's author. Also, if you haven't heard of it yet, you might also wanna check out Sankarea which is also by Umisho's author and has significantly better art than his previous stuff.

Anyway that's all for now, I'm still looking for cleaners so let me know if anyone is up for that. You can do whatever series I'm doing you want to, or something new if I like it. Links below:


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yandere Kanojo - 17

Alrighty done right on time! Here's part two of the house visit along with a surprisingly serious prediction from gramps. Next Yandere will be ready around the second week of July!
Links below:



Friday, June 25, 2010

A Methed to the the Gentle World - 2

So yeah, here's a chapter of Methed, a quarterly series I decided to help shin (otakami) do. It's like a seinen love comedy basically. Also, I won't have Yandere until tomorrow at best, but probably not until Sunday since I passed out and took a nap after staying up all night waiting for BRS that never aired and is probably delayed again ;_; Links below:


Tetsunagi Kooni - 26

Here it is, Aoki Ume's other manga besides Hidamari Sketch. This will probably be top priority each month when I get it from now on, since widefaces > *. I don't have 20-24 so if anyone finds those raws let me know. You can get 1-19 in this mediafire archive.

UPDATED 10/15/10 - Links updated with correct chapter number.

Links below:


Umisho - 89

So yeah, I said Tetsunagi Kooni > Yandere > blah blah blah. However, I haven't debound Tetsunagi yet so while waiting around in #pwq for the past 6 hours for the fucking BRS stream to start (~1 hour until it isn't the 25th in Japan anymore as I'm posting this) I found out pwq has some pretty cool guys, they fap to traps, hand out mediafire links to trap doujins, and encode 25MB .rmvb files for people that can't handle 1080p. Also, I decided I might as well do something so I did Umisho 89. Links below:


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Domina no Do! - 20

All done now! Enjoy chapter 20 with your brown girl. Also, for those of you who checked the page before this message, did you like me having a progress update once in a while? If people like having that info I can start doing it more often with longer projects (ie not Umisho and Mitsudomoe chapters that are only 10 pages).

The credits page has some somewhat useful info about why some things weren't TL'd and info about the brown girl so you might wanna check it out if anything about that bothered you. Links below:


Akuma to Love Song - 36

Here's chapter 36. Also just for a quick note my schedule for the near future is Domina > Tetsunagi Kooni > Yandere Kanojo > Umisho (a few chapters) > Mitsudomoe

Tetsunagi Koon
i is a short 6-8 page monthly that runs in Dragon Age that's written & drawn by Aoki Ume (Hidamari Sketch). Links below:


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Plana-chan - 4

Not as much d'aw in this chapter but I still liked it. I tried to get just the right feeling for the bottom right panel on page 6, hopefully you'll feel that I did. Anyway that's all for now, think I'll take a lunch break (ノ´∀`)ノ Links below:


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mitsudomoe - 12

Alright, another Mitsuba chapter! Last page was mid d'aw-tier with Mitsuba's reaction. Also, I'm still looking for more cleaners so I can do more stuff/do current stuff faster. Quota is at least 10 pages every 3 days and that you have some experience with Photoshop and/or have extensively read online tutorials. I'm also open to doing series YOU want to, provided you give me the cleans and I feel that I'll be able to give decent translations.

I plan on getting Plana-chan done tomorrow and Domina by Friday. Links below:


Monday, June 21, 2010

Akuma to Love Song - 35

We're back in action with chapter 35 of Akuma to Love Song! I don't want to talk much about it because I don't want to accidentally spoil anything (I forget what happens in each chapter specifically >.>;) anyway links below:



Update - Apparently the files in "Mitsudomoe_v01_c01-5[KS]" were corrupted so I re-uploaded it. It should be fine now.

Mitsudomoe - 11

Alrighty here's chapter 11 with a little cleaning from me and most of it from a new cleaner that offered to help: Ruben. I could still use some more people so feel free to send me an e-mail. Also I agreed to help shin (otakami) with a quarterly series called a Methed to Make the Gentle World. Yes, the title is spelled wrong on purpose. Links below:


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mitsudomoe - 10

Alright, back to releasing things! Well, it's not like I wasn't working on stuff for you guys though. Anyway here's chapter 10 of Mitsudomoe. For info about bishoujo and sanjo and why I left them untranslated (it's not because I'm a raging weeaboo) read the credits page.

Oh, and here's a quote from shin in response to my TL for chapter 40: "...thanks for akuma. I'll start the releases tomorrow." so if you don't see anything new by tomorrow feel free to scorn him with all your might you rabid shoujo fans (don't be too mean though). Links below:


Update - Here's a reply about Bungaku Shoujo that I put on pastebin. Apparently original art does not include the entire cover, just the character on it (wut?). I replied again to see if when they said "merely framed" if they meant by a dust jacket, though I doubt it since I asked about dust jackets in my first e-mail.
"No, there is no dust jacket." Well that's that. Looks like if I ever decide to translate some novels I know what I'll be doing first.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bungaku Shoujo Yen Press Cover

Before I rant: I'm looking for cleaners since the guy who was helping on Mitsudomoe had to quit. You can do whatever series you want, I've also got two new series (one from Dragon Age and one from GanGan) and a Seitokai no Ichizon half-volume that even has a chapter of full-color. E-mail me if you're interested, rant about Bungaku Shoujo commencing now.

While taking a break between translating AtLS 38 and 40 (38 was almost twice as much text as normal and part of it was a bunch of newspaper stuff ;_;) I went to check if Bungaku Shoujo was coming out in June or July. And I was met with this cover complete with terrible photoshop work, and a complimentary wrong translation of the title, the fucking title.

I might have even let it passed (ok, probably not) if they didn't already do this shit with Spice and Wolf, realize how terrible of an idea it was, and then fix it so the true art is on the actual cover. I'm trying to find out if the original art will be shipped in any form, but as for the moment I'm assuming it won't be and yes, I mad.

Expect releases to start up again tomorrow after I finish translating another 60 pages tonight. Oh, and CRED came today so Domina no Do! and Plana-chan should be ready later this week.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Working on Stuff

Probably won't have anything to post today, I'm working on translating 38 and 40 of AtLS all of which (35-40) should be ready soon since it would seem Yukihito managed to get 3 chapters done in her absence.

Anyway, since I won't have anything to post probably, you can have this Miku wallpaper I made (by extending a smaller original image) that seemed to be fairly popular in a desktop thread last night. The above version is stupidly high in quality and file-size so a smaller version can be found below. If anyone wants it in a different resolution (bigger or smaller) post a comment and I'll add it later.

Back to TL'ing AtLS for now!

Update - So I lost power for about 8 hours. Good thing I made this post just before that, since there is no way in hell I'll have anything ready. I don't even have AtLS 38 halfway done yet ;_;

Wallpaper Sizes:


1680x1050 HQ
1680x1050 MQ

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mitsudomoe - 8 & 9

Annnd chapter8 is done, I'll probably update this post with 9 in a little bit done with that, and I v2'd chapter8 because apparently the sisters' last name is Marui. I have no clue why the girl in chapter 7 was calling Hitoha "Sanjo" now though. Chapter 8 was as good as the one with clam meat in Yomeiro Choice. Links below:

Chapter 8v2

Chapter 9

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Umisho - 88

What, 2 chapters within a few hours of each other!? Well, it's my present to you guys for working on other stuff for a week and because I might wait a day or two to see if I can get a hold of better raws. I've had to tilt these a few times which blurs the image slightly because for some reason the pages were scanned in two at a time and the even ones are all crooked. Oh well, links below:


Update - Below is the complete Vol 6 (minus the omake) for those who'd like it all in one file and for any newcomers:


Umisho - 87

Here's the start of volume 7: chapter 87. The raw quality is kinda bad, the zip I got was named differently than the one on Share/PD so I'm guessing someone made it by saving compressed images from an online viewer. Whenever my download finishes I'll use the (hopefully) better raws. Also, I left Kokeshi untranslated because 6 letters is a hell of a lot easier to typeset and sounds better than limbless wooden doll. Links below:


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Boku x Kano - 2

What's that, a trap manga you say? With TTGL references everywhere? Yes, such a manga does exist, and here it is! This is chapter 2, Jun-chan Scans did chapter 1 last year with a magazine raw, so when I release the full volume I'll include my chapter 1 with better a raw. Also please give your thanks to A Picture of Dorian Gray for letting me practice debinding on it. One more thing about this chapter/series, cleaning is a bitch of colossal proportions, I seriously must have redrawn half the chapter because it was just covered in text so releases may take a few days per chapter. Also, the author apparently doesn't own a fucking ruler so some panels are crooked, it's not a bad scan job.

I'll probably do Umisho next, it won't be the color omake though because when I went through it, it's mostly just some random stories. Maybe I'll do it eventually. I'll also be working on a chapter of NEET Princess Terrass, but it's 40 some pages so it'll take some time. Oh, and when Yukihito is back there will be a quadruple release of Akuma to Love Song (hell it might end up being a sextuple if this keeps up >.>;) Links below:

Chapter 1 by Jun-Chan Scans

Chapter 2

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mitsudomoe - 7

I said I liked sadist girl better, but I may have to reconsider. The quiet-girls do always end up being my favorites. Anyway, there's a page where Obon is referenced and you probably won't get the joke unless you know what Obon is and how it's celebrated. So, if you really care you can read about it here or just miss one of the jokes. I suggest the latter. Links below:


Friday, June 11, 2010

Yandere Kanojo (JOKER) - 16

No, it's not done yet, but I wanted to at least post something in case I don't finish this before I have to leave. I'll be busy working for most of the weekend probably, so this might either be ready as early as in a few hours or not till Monday ;_;

On the bright side, my sea shipment of Boku x Kano arrived (trap manga a la Prunus Girl), and Dragon Age came with a half-volume of Seitokai no Ichizon that I'll probably do as well. I've got some other stuff but I'll save it for now in case I don't have anything else to post this weekend due to me being busy.

Update (6/13/10) - Stuff about release time was here Done now! By the way, this is from GanGan Magazine, NOT online like the previous chapters, that's why this is also chapter 16. Links Below:


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Himichu no Ayako-sama - 3

This chapter introduces Loli-Pirate Arashi. I still like Kishi better, but page 20 was pretty d'aw-tier. Also, if you notice any cleaning mistakes on page 10 don't post anything about it. That page can burn in hell for all I care. Pretty sure I spent 1/5th of the total time I worked on this chapter on that one page and it was a colossal bitch. Links below:


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mitsudomoe - 6

Here's our first chapter of Mitsudomoe, which incidentally focuses on my favorite of the three sisters. The anime will also be airing this summer and hopefully some fansub group will be able to provide you with subs for it. Links for Chapter 1-5 done by KS and Chapter 6 which we did below:

Chapter 1-5

Chapter 6

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Umisho - 86

Here we go, chapter 86. The cleaning this time was done by the guy (aUsCkEs) who will be cleaning mitsudomoe for me because I had finals and figured I might as well use the stuff I had him practice on. Even thought it was practice, the cleaning job is pretty good. I doubt you guys will notice much difference, if any. I'll be working on Mitsudomoe next, then probably Ayako-sama followed by the full-color omake from vol 6 in Umisho. Links below:


Below is the complete Vol 6 (minus the omake):


Monday, June 7, 2010


So yeah, yet another day I've missed and left you Umisho-less. Sorry, but I had to write another paper which ate up most of the day. On the bright side, I'm basically done now except that I have to grace my other classes with my presence to take 3 stupidly easy finals. Also I'll be ordering Gangan Joker and Dragon Age soon as well as receiving something else I order a while back (looooong time ago, fuck shipping by boat) that you will enjoy if you like tarps. Still looking for an editor for Mistudomoe, but that's about it. Found someone, but if anyone else wants to edit a different series to speed things up let me know. Expect Umisho 86 tomorrow night.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Umisho - 85

Cat-like freshman girl just jumped up in my rankings. I can't believe Okiura would pass up that opportunity even if he can't swim. Second to last page is also pretty awesome, I imagine you will all enjoy it greatly. Also, lots of tiny text this chapter. Sorry for destroying your eyes, but it really is incredibly small. Links below:


P.S. I've decided on another series called Mitsudomoe. It's kinda like Today in Class 5-2 mixed with Ichigo Mashimaro and Minami-ke. The chapters are about as long as Umisho ones so release speed should be fine, but if there's anyone interested in cleaning the pages for me (preferably someone not too busy) send me an e-mail. I'd expect the cleaned chapters using Photoshop (preferred) or an equivalent program like InkScape at least every 2-3 days. Also, as small extra piece of info, an anime version will be airing this summer.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Umisho - 84

Here's 84, no time to blog as I'm about to leave. I just finished this and barely QC'd and checked for typos so if you see any post a comment and I'll fix it when I get back in a few hours.

*Several Hours Later* - I got back a bit ago; finally got time to watch angel beats. 6 billion to 1 odds, and Hinata will make it happen. I didn't baw, but it was still a really good episode, particularly the end. So as I did last week, time to change the blog image.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Franken Fran - 39

Amuro and Hox recently finished Franken Fran 39 that I scanned in for them so if you're interested in that, you can download it from Amuro's blog here.

Umisho - 83

Where do I sign up for such an awesome religion? Seriously. There were a few small bubbles that were unreadable or would have be impossible to fit english into. so I just left them untranslated. Links below:


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Umisho - 82

Here we are, 82 done. I didn't translate the BBS or "Googre" stuff because it's not very important. For example, on the BBS the posts are emoticons and "I'll go~!", and other stuff like that. And if you want to see the google part just make a search yourself. If enough people complain though I guess I could translate it, though it's not very likely. Links below:


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Umisho - 81

Huzzah! Rejoice, for I have switched tracks back to Umisho! I feel bad for Shizuoka, but well, I can't say I didn't like certain parts of this chapter. Sorry about the one part on the first page I didn't really clean/redraw much, but it would have been tantamount to be redrawing an actual manga panel with how much was missing and sadly, I do not posses the necessary skills to do that. I'll probably do 2-3 more chapters of Umisho before switching off to another Ayako or Carat chapter, maybe more. Anyway, links below:



Update 6/2 - There was an error (on the first page no less ;_;) so I just put v2's up if anyone wants them and for future downloaders.

*Added Later* Sorry for no update on Wednesday, writing papers took longer than I thought (and I started playing Family Project). I should have 82 ready for Thursday and on the off chance I don't a Friday double release is 100% for sure.

Himichu no Ayako-sama - 2

Ah chapter 2 finally done. All in all it took about 4 hours but it was worth it for Hajime's DAT ASS page. I liked the anti-unicef stuff; if only in the real world we had lolis running huge parts of the government. As usual the french term is defined in the credits page, this one isn't very obvious to English speakers. Any who, I'll be doing a chapter or two of Umisho next and that's all for now, so links below:
