Sunday, November 27, 2011

World End Economica - Episode I Act I

In order to make myself feel like I've done something, I'm making a post to let you all know that Act I of WEE - Episode I is now completely translated~ Still needs some editing and QC, but hey, when yoof got mee tranzlating who neds editers? I should be able to make some more steady progress now that I'm basically on break, so hopefully I can get acts II and III done by the end of December. Stay tuned for more Domina, YK, and Haganai in the meantime.


  1. This is the best !!

  2. Great news!Thank for your hard work

  3. Sweeeet :D Thanks a bunch for this!

  4. awesome, can't wait
    thanks alot

  5. Keep up awesome work skilled and amazing translators!

  6. You guys are amazing, I’ve been looking forward to this.

  7. Thank you very much for putting your hard work in this project

  8. As always, thank you for the hard work.

    Also, do you guys have a copy of the raw game you posted previously? Can't access the files since MU got killed; would you be willing to reupload?

  9. In Vexed We Trust!
    Not an easy task, i am rooting for you o3o
