More YK! More Reina! More Shagadelic! The only thing we're missing is Hijiri to make this a perfect chapter. Anyway, the long belated chapter 57 of Yandere Kanojo is now here. As for future releases, a quick update on them: SY 58 is waiting on final cleaning & TS'ing, Methed 16 is scanned and cropped (actually, I scanned in all of Methed v04), and YK 58 is 10% TS'd & TL'd.
Also, some pretty big news (maybe?) is that there's
a new Hoozuki-san series that started this month. I liked it, obviously, but probably won't be picking it up because as you are all aware, I'm way behind on things as it is ;_; If someone is going to pick it up though, I might reach out to them to help TLC since that probably wouldn't take up much time, but we'll see what happens. In any case, YK 57 can be found with the links below: