Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prunus Girl - 26

**UPDATE** I v2'd a missing bubble in Idol Pretender 3. Go to its post for the DL and such.

Here's that next post I was talking about! For those who didn't read about the mysterious "next post" be sure to scroll down and grab Idol Pretender if that's your thing~ This series will now be done by myself and Maigo which should result in fantastically high quality in all departments. Prunus Girl has never looked better so go download it now with these links below:

Maigo's Online Reader
Maigo's Post


  1. This really is so much more entertaining when it's focused on Aikawa and Maki.

  2. Prunus Girl! Thanks for picking this one up! :D

  3. Thank you! Now that two high-quality groups have picked Prunus Girl up, I have to check it out. If you are scanlating this, it must be good!

  4. Do anyone know what happens to WOW! scans?
