Thursday, September 7, 2017

Seifuku no Vampiress Lord - 08

As promised, chapter 8 is ready now too~ I'll be starting work on chapter 9 soon as well, so hopefully it won't have anywhere near as long of a delay as between c06's and c07's releases. You can see how Yuunagi handles a sleeping Rin by following the links below:


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Seifuku no Vampiress Lord - 07

Still alive! Lots of unexpected things came up between now and the last release, but chapter 7 is here! I was actually supposed to post this 2 days ago when the chapter was released, but apparently I never actually published it, oops. Chapter 8 is basically done as well, just need to finish QC so that should be out in a few days as well. For now though, direct your attention to the links below:
