Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Yandere Kanojo (JOKER) - 61

No, your eyes do not deceive you, there's a chapter of Yandere Kanojo to release today as well! Just because Methed got delayed didn't mean I wasn't working on other stuff~ This chapter is another one going back into Manabu's and Azuma's past, and you can see what antics they get up to with the links below:


P.S. - It'll still be a little bit before a new Sengoku Youko chapter, as I'm waiting on a 2nd copy of volume 13 to use for scanning to get to me.

A Methed to Make the Gentle World - 25

Was hoping to have this out sooner, but long chapter + end of volume extra + everyone's favorite typesetter, Relm-kun, getting go-to-the-hospital level sick = delayed release. Luckily Relm is OK now (in fact, he typeset this chapter the day after getting discharged!), so thank him for his lovely work even more than usual~ That aside, this is the last chapter of volume 5, and it's a pretty good one. I won't spoil anything here though, you can check it out for yourselves with the links below:


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sengoku Youko - 69

So ladies and gentlemen,
Here it is
At long last. This chapter definitely
Knocked it out of the park, you're guaranteed to be pumped
Up after reading it.
Go ahead
And give it a read for yourselves, you will
Not be disappointed with the links below:
