Saturday, February 23, 2013

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (Novel) - Vol. 8 Ch. 7

Kobato isn't cute you say? Objection! That has nothing to do with this chapter of course, but I wanted to get the "Objection!" bit in here somewhere. Not sure exactly what'll be next, probably Methed or SY, although there's also a possibility of YK as well; just depends what I have time for. In any case though, links below:


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Methed to Make the Gentle World - Vol. 2 Omake 2

And with this, we've finished off volume 2. Already started working on chapter 10, so that should be out relatively soon, but next up will likely be Haganai unless something crrrraaaaaazy happens. As for this little omake chapter, you can summarize it as Yurine's Wild Night at KFC. How wild was it you ask? You'll have to find out with the links below:


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tokage no Ou - 10

Here you are ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, it's (some of) the reveal you've all been waiting for. Why did Kingfisher attack Tokage? What happened to Umishima? Will Tokage die a virgin? Find out the answers to these questions and more with the next exciting set of links below:


Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Methed to Make the Gentle World - Vol. 2 Omake 1

Was debating whether to release this or some Haganai, but it's been a while since I did Methed, so I went with it instead. Also at the request of everyone's favorite typesetter, RelM, I'll be popping out a few more chapters of Methed in an attempt to get up to chapter 11 out by the start of March. In any case, you can enjoy this little extra chapter with the links below:


Monday, February 11, 2013

Sengoku Youko - 48

Had to take a short break over the weekend because :midterms: happened, but that's all behind us now, so here's some more Sengoku Youko. This chapter features a certain spread of considerably awesome proportions, perhaps only outdone by Murata's ridiculousness in One Punch Man. In any case, you can see how the two battles start to unfold with the links below:


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yandere Kanojo - 48

Rejoice! Chapter 48 of Yandere Kanojo is now available for your viewing pleasure. Will they finally get together? Will it get put off for another chapter? Do you already know what happens (sort of) because you looked at the raws 2 weeks ago? Whatever the case may be, you can find all the answers you seek and more* with the links below:


* - The amount of "more" you experience may vary from none to a trip to the hospital room due to a heart attack.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sengoku Youko - 47

Were you expecting some Yandere Kanojo? Too bad! It's just Sengoku Youko! There are a number of lines in YK 48 I'm not quite happy with yet, so I went with his first to give myself time to polish them. Another reason I went with SY is because I got sucked into playing Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road, which is pretty much YK x Majikoi, complete with enough yankee-dere to shake a spiked bat at. Pretty amusing so far, I'd advise any moonreaders into YK to check it out.

Anyway, YK 48 will be out on Tuesday, but for now, links below:
